Disease Modeling
PK/PD Services
GD3 performs discovery in vivo pharmacokinetic studies as both stand-alone studies and in parallel with pharmacodynamics, efficacy, and toxicity evaluations. The correlation of PK and functional readouts helps elucidate the relationship between PK and PD, understand the mechanism of drug action, and identify PK properties for further improvement and optimal compound design. GD3 scientists can develop and validate your bioanalytical method, measure your therapeutic's plasma concentration, derive PK parameters, and summarize the experiment and data in a comprehensive report. We can also conduct bioavailability experiments and measure drug concentration in tumors and other organs to better understand the overall distribution into the tissues and drug concentration in target organs.
Discovery in vivo pharmacokinetic services include:
- Bioanalytical method development and validation
- Collection of blood and tissues from test agent-treated mice and rats for bioanalysis
- In vivo PK Screens
- Clearance/half-life/bioavailability
- Target organ penetration
- Pharmacology Support
- Exposure in efficacy models
- Bioanalytical Services
- Clearance/half-life/bioavailability
- Target organ penetration
- Exposure in efficacy models
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